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All about Birmingham

Commonly known as the second city with a rich history going back more than 1000 years. Birmingham was also known for the boast that at one time the city had more canals than Venice.

The city has also paved the way for pioneers in nearly every field that has influenced modern life from scientific and engineering breakthroughs to equal rights and social reform.

Nowadays the city has been transformed and reimagined by regeneration of some of the areas that were giants in manufacturing but now serve as unique retail centres incorporating shopping, leisure and restaurants some of whom offer Michellin starred quality.

The diverse and young population of Birmingham provides a vibrant backdrop to a city with many secrets waiting to be discovered.


As we leave frosty mornings and the winter season behind thoughts of bright days and green leaves begin with the month of March and Spring.

Birmingham is one of the youngest and most ethnically diverse cities in Europe and in Spring the rich and diverse cultures that have helped to build and sustain our city start to bring life and colour back to our streets.   At the end of January and Chinese New Year the city’s calendar is full of celebrations whether religious or cultural and all offer some form of participation.

The Hindu Festival Holi also known as the Festival of Colours is a celebration of Light, Colour and Love that brings a chance to reflect and renew with friends and family and the colourful paints thrown at each other makes it a fun and interactive experience that everyone can participate in and enjoy.   Just over a week later the Irish Community come together to celebrate St Patricks Day with parades, Irish dancing, Leprechauns and of course the odd tipple.  For our Muslim community Ramadan is a month of fasting, prayer, reflection and community culminating in Eid al-Fitr which translates literally as Festival of breaking the fast.

The summer months are great for exploring the beautiful countryside and parks in and around Birmingham including the Botanical gardens in Edgbaston.  You can discover the industrial heritage of Birmingham and it's unique canal waterways which loop in and around the city centre and our world class art galleries and museums will satisfy any  longings for art and culture.

Our young and diverse city comes alive in the summer season with live music venues catering to all tastes from classical and opera to the latest music stars along with our theatres showing award winning plays and musicals.  Sport and outdoor activities have become increasingly more popular since the city hosted the Commonwealth Games in 2022 with separate cycling routes alongside the major roads into the city centre.

Why not join in with the locals and explore all that Birmingham has to offer. Click here to find out what's on this week visitbirmingham.com

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